Join us!
Our dishes, spaces and events are made to be shared. Not only with those who visit us, but also with those we work with. That's why we always make a point of being in good company.

We're made of unique stories, sharing the same table!
All our concepts have their own personality, identity and language. We are all different, but we sit at the same table, eye to eye, side by side. We know that everyone has their own responsibilities, but it is in sharing that we find the freedom to be who we are and to discover what we still want to be. The diversity that defines us - of people and projects - opens doors to new possibilities. We are young and irreverent, but we are also experienced. Today we are on a project we know; tomorrow we venture into a new challenge.

This is how we do it!
If we were asked for the recipe for success, we would say that we don't have it. And even if we did, it would change all the time, just as a menu changes depending on the products and their seasonality. What we do have is a keen need for movement, growth and artistic creation in different forms. We are bold, flexible and don't believe in watertight solutions. For us, there are no cutting-edge concepts, nor concepts that have nowhere to go. We think and develop our projects from one end to the other, driven by a solid structure that seeks to promote constant innovation. This foundation gives us the freedom to create moments that elevate each of our ideas with impact, attitude and authenticity!
Outline how Paradigma combines creativity and innovation in the restaurant sector.
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Let's work together!
Make your move
A CV is like an amuse-bouche, the first moment of our experience together. It's a moment that whets our appetite and is meant to be simple and surprising at the same time!
Let's talk
It's not just about the skills you have, it's about the energy you bring!
It's about being authentic when you talk about who you are and what you do!
It's about ending the conversation with the feeling that you've known each other for a long time!
Decision time
And when our hunger is as great as our desire to eat, the decision has been made and it's finally time to toast to new beginnings. To ours!
All open positions
Let's clear things up!
All the unfilled positions at Paradigma are available for consultation on our website. To apply for one of the vacancies, simply fill in the online form and add a CV with the right amount of information. No more, no less.
We are non-conformist by nature and this makes us constantly changing and dynamic. We want to grow and we want you to grow with us. When you walk through Paradigma's doors, the doors to all our projects open. The solidity of our structure provides the support and tools necessary for great flexibility when it comes to evolving and exploring new paths within the company.
Above all, authentic! Our hunger and passion for what we do is fueled by the collaborative spirit in which we share responsibilities. We work side by side and above us is only the responsibility entrusted to us. The freedom we have to be who we are, young, dynamic and creative, makes us even more responsible: for ourselves and what we do, for others and what we do together.